Monthly Archives: September 2013

PJ Taylor – Mam Doesn’t Live Here Anymore


pj taylor limerick

‘Everyone has a book in them’ is a term used so often that it has become a cliché. P.J,. Taylor, born and bred in Limerick can say that he has not just one book, but three and possibly more.

Taylor had barely read a book, never mind written one until he read the works of the late and great, Frank McCourt. Inspired by his fellow Limerick man, he started writing down stories of his youth that he could remember in remarkable detail. Once he started, he couldn’t stop and now, here we are with his third book called Mam Doesn’t Live Here Anymore.

He sells his books not in the bookshops, but on a stall in the streets of Limerick. When asked why he does this, he replies that he wants to meet the people that will buy and read his book. He enjoys the chats with them and considers it to be the best part about writing his books.

It’s the 31st of May 1969; P.J. has just left St. John’s hospital in Limerick with a terrible image of his mother branded into his brain.

He’s getting married in four months time and all his plans for the big day are going pear shaped.

Struggling to come to terms with his mother’s death, P.J. finds work wherever he can. He stumbles from one disappointment to another before he finally gets Mary to the alter, only to find there’s more waiting for him on the other side of it.

You’ll be moved to shed a tear or two and more than likely have a good blooming laugh. Mam Doesn’t Live Here Anymore is probably P.J. Taylor’s best book yet.

The book was launched on September 9th at Michael Flannery’s pub, Denmark Street.

P.J. was delighted with the quality of the book that he received from He arrived at our factory to pick up the books and was surprised at how light the books were, especially considering the quality of the paper used.

Not only did he use the services provided by for this book, but he was so impressed with our facilities that he asked us could we reprint a previous book he has written. This book is called Between the Three Bridges and was printed by another company. P.J. was happy with the book, but saw the benefits of our printing and binding services. Once we had the file from the other company, we printed that book too.

What next for PJ? Well he is hard at work at his next book and assures us he will be back to us when it is ready to be printed.  He has more stories of his life to tell us and we look forward to seeing him again.

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Out of the Bag by Sean Maguire

sean maguire cover



Poetry has been the outlet that Sean has used to express himself since he was nine years old. Born in England to Irish immigrant parents, Sean experienced what he believes to be religious indoctrination and miss-education. Poetry helped him deal with the frustration of what he saw as a society perpetrated and controlled by a mainstream media. These early poems were not lost to time, they were saved and some are still performed if you ask Sean to do so.

Later in life, Sean performed his poetry at many events, usually charity ones. He kept being asked by his listeners if he had a book that they could buy and later read. The same happened when he read his work on his own radio show. This is a radio show with the same title as the poetry collection Out of the Bag. It takes place every Wednesday night from 9pm to midnight on MSI Radio and covers a diverse range of topics highlighting the “psychopaths that “rule” this planet”.

Over the years Sean has interviewed many authors who suggested that he self-publish his poetry. Some of these authors recommended that he use the services of after they were happy with the service, or know others that were.

His poetry is inspired by his experiences throughout his life. The people that he has met on his radio show, his background in the punk rock scene and being a child of immigrants in England. After writing for nearly all his life he still does not have a poem that he would call his favourite. He managed to narrow down his 200 plus poems down to a collection of 48 for his book. However, he carries the rest of his poetry around with his to the gigs in a bag which is featured on the cover.

Sean found the self-publishing experience to be relatively painless and now sells his books after his gigs. He has received great feedback from everyone who has purchased them and is happy to report that they are “now flying all over the world”.

Due to his good experience with, Sean is looking forward to working with us again in the future and has already recommended us to other potential authors.

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